The Met, Microsoft, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) collaborated to explore how artificial intelligence could connect people to art. Utilizing the API images, data, and a new keyword data set, the goal was to imagine and develop scalable new ways to discover, learn, and create with one of the world's foremost art collections through artificial intelligence.
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Recently Fable the company behind the critically acclaimed VR experiences Lost, Henry and Wolves in the walls starring Lucy pivoted to a 'virtual beings' company.
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In this article i will discuss "the art of AI research" it was inspired by the great paper by Keneth O. Stanley
Paper (Published in: Leonardo Volume 51, Issue 2, p. 165-172, April 2018, MIT Press) : Art in the Sciences of the Artificial.
In this article i will first cover the very interesting ideas that are put forward by Keneth O. Stanley on this subject and in the second part of the paper i will add my own thoughts on the subject :). (But i cannot emphasize enough that my take on this was only possible because of the great ideas in the paper of Keneth O. Stanley)
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Every year since 2018 Aipril chooses the best AI Art of the year. So what is the best AI art and how hard can it be to choose?!, there are so many AI art pieces and advancement in image creation the last year. But it turned out to be not so easy as it seemed…
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Recently IBM released an interesting demo for Painting with AI, this tool lets you, (assisted by a neural network) paint trees, grass, doors, domes, bricks over an existing photo or image and in this way create new AI art!
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