The Best AI Art of 2018
And the winner of the best AI Art of 2018 is… not 100% AI
Every year since 2018 Aipril chooses the best AI Art of the year. So what is the best AI art and how hard can it be to choose?!, there are so many AI art pieces and advancement in image creation the last year. But it turned out to be not so easy as it seemed…
A thoroughly review of the AI art pieces produced in the last year delivers the following insights:
- 1 - There is an abundance of interesting style transfer like generated art;
- 2 - There is an absolute scarcity of esthetically interesting art;
Beauty and art is in the eye of the beholder of course - but i found it rather striking that the AI pieces that i saw did not have a very big emotional impact on me. The pure style transfer pieces are sometimes esthetically interesting because the human chosen base image is esthetically or interesting (or beautiful). The pure (GAN) generated images are often uncanny, shocking or horrifying especially when based on humans/animals/organic material;
Therefore i was forced to choose a piece that was a co production with a human painter as the winner and a pure generated BigGan clock as 2nd place.
1st place MaxHouse
2nd place ClockTime
ClockTime is a generated using BigGan see more examples here BigGan image
and see BigGan paper for the technique used.
When you browse the examples you have the chance to handpick an esthetically interesting AI generated image yourself ! :)
It seems to me that at the moment the human touch is still needed in (selecting/creating) 'beautiful' images. And it is interesting when an AI will be able to do this. We will see how far AI art can come in 2019.
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