How AI can connect people to art

new ways to discover, learn, and create art through artificial intelligence.

Mar 06
How AI can connect people to art Aipril

The Met, Microsoft, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) collaborated to explore how artificial intelligence could connect people to art. Utilizing the API images, data, and a new keyword data set, the goal was to imagine and develop scalable new ways to discover, learn, and create with one of the world's foremost art collections through artificial intelligence.

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The Go Explore Algorithm

Intelligent exploration, especially when rewards are sparse or deceptive

Mar 04
The Go Explore Algorithm Aipril

A grand challenge in reinforcement learning is producing intelligent exploration, especially when rewards are sparse or deceptive. Go-Explore is a new algorithm for such ‘hard exploration problems.’ see the video of Jeff Clune, Senior Research Scientist & Founding Member at Uber AI Labs

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